Executive Board

Prof. Ron Heeren
Maastricht University
M4I, The Maastricht
Multimodal Molecular Imaging Institute
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-20-7547100
E-mail: R.Heeren

Vice President
Prof. Stephen Blanksby
Central Analytical Research Facility
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, 4000
Phone: +61 7 3138 3343
E-mail: S.Blanksby

Prof. Maarten Altelaar
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Utrecht University
3584CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-2539554
E-mail: M.Altelaar

Prof. Martina Marchetti-Deschmann
Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics
TU Wien
Vienna, 1040
Phone: +43 1 58801 15160
E-mail: M.Marchetti-Deschmann

Education Officer
Dr. Diego Cobice
Faculty of Life & Health Sciences
Ulster University
Coleraine, BT52 1SA
Phone: +44 28 7012 4262
E-mail: D.Cobice

Region A Representative (Europe/Africa)
Prof. Julia Chamot-Rooke
Institut Pasteur
Unité de Spectrométrie de Masse Structurale et Protéomique
75015 PARIS
Phone: +33 (0)1 40 61 38 59
E-mail: J.Chamot-Rooke

Region B Representative (Asia/Oceania)
Prof. Yu Xia
Department of Chemistry
Tsinghua University
Beijing, 100084
Phone: +86-10-62799232
E-mail: Y.Xia

Region C Representative (North America)
Prof. Ryan Julian
Department of Chemistry
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: +1 951 827-3958
E-mail: R.Julian

Region D Representative (Central/South America)
Prof. Rosa Erra-Balsells
Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences
University of Buenos Aires
University City, Pavilion II – Third Floor
Phone: + 54-11-528-58547
E-mail: R.Erra-Balsells
IMSF Ex Officio
Future Conference Co-Chair
(Conference Co-Chair, 2026 IMSC conference)
Prof. Isabelle Fournier
E-mail: I.Fournier
Future Conference Co-Chair
(Conference Co-Chair, 2026 IMSC conference)
Prof. Isabelle Compagnon
E-mail: I.Compagnon